Friday, July 26, 2024


Reminiscent of family history, a calling to repentance.

    Sorrow is better than laughter:  for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool:  this also is vanity.  Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad;  and a gift destroyeth the heart.  Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof:  and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Dedicated to Lester the jester
    Following conversations long ago such as, 'false prophets are supposed to be killed off if you are following the Old Testament', a jog of the memory holds true.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

pre-AI fanboy blasts from the past

Aphex Twin fandom
A master of ambience, kudos to Richard D. James

Early attempt at recreating the Red Calx song

Actualized Red Calx song by Aphex Twin

The most calming of sounds, this is ambience done right.

featuring 'diskhat ALL prepared1mixed 13' by Aphex Twin

Beastie Boys fandom
Another epic fan video for the B-boys

Alice in Chains fandom
PHD for the records

And one more Aphex Twin fanboy video
Located in the beautiful Drumheller, Alberta region
(Royal Tyrrell Museum) [song is 'Blue Calx' by Aphex Twin]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Take it one art project at a time

    Take a break from fighting the neo and negro-Nazis and reflect on struggles past. “You’ll need iT”!

Rapertoire of anti-German sentiment mixtape

    Demons and their rape. My wife tells me of a traumatic experience that occurred round 1982 when she was date raped at 17 years of age. A man studying satanic literature told her he would cut her to pieces if she did not allow him to rape her in a park near downtown Oshawa, Ontario. Afterwards she describes having an out of body experience. 

    Riding the wave of anti-German sentiment regardless of her being born and raised in Canada, too many of these sort of occurrences have happened in the past. Nowadays the problem seems to stem from the Islamic devils running rampant in the western world.


The following mixtape contains music not for the faint of heart as well as explicit lyrics. DJ detection at work. 

[Sincerely, the knights of the sound table]

Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 Car Show

    We spent two afternoons detailing our transport getting it ready for the annual car show at the Medicine Hat, Alberta Murray Chev Cadillac dealership where it is from.  Complimentary engine shampoo from the dealer.  

    There is much to these car communities.  Photos of my grandfather recall his owning an SS Chevy of some sort.  The Peg's family have built a multigenerational career working in the Oshawa, Ontario General Motors Company auto manufacturing plant.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Ex Twit (grandpa tales mixtape)

     Memory crate digging galore!  "Eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the ear with hearing".  Ecclesiastes 1:8  We seem to have solved that problem nowadays what with the abundance of streaming services everywhere.  

    Nevertheless, here is a mixtape full of classics (classics?) from a past where CDs and vinyl were king. 

    -note that both mixes presented here are missing key songs from Aphex Twin's '26 Mixes for Cash' albums.

    Apologies if a few of the tracks are no longer listed in the music stores. As a rule, I try not to create posts that are non business related and have no potential to become profitable (or prophetic [apostolic]) on this site. This mix however (if you have all day to listen), is not only full of cherry picked favorites from discs I once owned or now own today, but also much of my own work to be enjoyed repetitiously. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Houdini laugh track EP release


    Given the red month or witching month of June having come to a close, what is left in the aftermath is among other issues an EP which pokes fun at the hullabaloo.

or hear it in an artist mix:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Word up mixtape

(if only Apple had shared playlists available in dark mode)

(your move Apple)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

AI copied homework

Write a poem about George Soros:

- Chat GPT (CATS, I FARTED in french):

In whispers of finance, his name does arise,

A figure of power, beneath global skies.

George Soros, the man with a vision so keen,

Navigating markets, a master unseen.

From Budapest streets to halls of acclaim,

He carved out his path, and garnered his fame.

Philanthropist, thinker, with causes to hold,

A champion for justice, with courage so bold.

Through Open Societies, he seeks to impart,

A freedom, a fairness, close to his heart.

Critics may mutter, conspiracy spins,

Yet his legacy speaks through the battles he wins.

In the world of finance, a titan he'll stand,

With wisdom and foresight, his cards in command.

A man of conviction, of stories untold,

George Soros, a legend, both daring and bold.

Write a poem critical of George Soros:

- CHAT GPT (CATS I FARTED in french):

In shadows of finance, his name casts a shade,

George Soros, the figure in power's parade.

With whispers of wealth, and influence vast,

Controversy clings to his deeds of the past.

Speculation's maestro, he played with the fates,

Toppling currencies, shifting the states.

A philanthropist's mask, some voices declare,

Hides motives of power, ambitions laid bare.

His billions fund causes, yet doubts intertwine,

Is it freedom he seeks, or a grander design?

Critics decry him, a puppet master unseen,

In the web of the world, pulling strings from the screen.

Through markets and nations, his shadow does loom,

A figure of contention, with whispers of gloom.

George Soros, enigma, both revered and reviled,

A titan whose actions leave many beguiled.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

State of the Business Affairs

trew dat

    With the month of June’s tomfoolery of social media concluded, the focus is once more on generating business revenue and balancing mental health remedies with salvation. 

    In the market for merch?  It may be a lengthy process but nonetheless if you are obsessed with the supremiest of clothing, contact us to discuss details. 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Eyesore ALERT! Isaiah 3:9 too


    Where the allied forces of World War II refer to our countries as 'the Allies', 'people of dark arts' refer to their 'demon friends' or 'black magic women' as allies also.  This is a major contention of mine.

     “The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it.  Woe to them!  They have brought disaster upon themselves.”

     Carlos Castaneda was an anthropologist who studied a shaman in Mexico during the 1960s and opened many eyes as to the structures of spiritism.  He revealed how shamans view their demons as allies in their lives. Come along. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Prichary mixtape

     No treachery here.  Another blast from the past present tense.  Like backhanding a serpent, no self-esteem has its perks.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Climate Normalization

     Having canceled golfing for yours truly birthday, the afternoon was spent in the studio having studio fun.  After breakfast at Ricky's, we resolved to dust off the ol' light tent and engage in creativity that stems back to the days of high school.  

    From dust we were born, to dust we will return.  Signaling change for better or worse, this series holds true to the notion of our time being immemorial.  Check the noisy aftermath.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


    At the Rust Bot Gallery, recycling is an artform.  Using imagination to fashion characters out of salvage, the creator is capable of drumming up business for the likes of Disney.  Paying a visit to the gallery is well worth the trip.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hollywood is knocking

    CGI (computer generated imagery) cartoons are getting old.  See the light of day with the fourth season of The Chosen streaming now on The Chosen app. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Satan is a title


Well that rules that out.  
New song Houdini Laugh Track in the works.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Phatso (frisson) mixtape

     Like a CD in the 90s, here is a mixtape that begs to listen on repeat.

Monday, May 20, 2024

May long weekend warriors


    The hills are alive in this comical soundtrack Ansel Adams inspired photo shoot.  The May long Victoria Day weekend always sees a multitude of weekend warriors braving the elements camping in the Elkwater township.  Many a Boards of Canada album have been dedicated to this beautiful region.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Welcome immigrants!

    Welcome to your newly conquered territory immigrants!  Just like our forefathers who emigrated here before us from overseas, enjoy your free rent, housing, mortgages, hotel stays, food and spending cash.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tory Workshop

    Shoutout to Adam Moser of Delmar Studio for hosting the Photographic Society (photo club) and giving free portraiture tips on posing models.  Thanks to Tori as well for being our sacrificial lamb so to speak.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

the Church of Racophobia

     While racism is a very real phenomenon, it seems nowadays to be moreso a tool used alongside accusations of phobias or fear of the unknown to achieve political and cultural advantage.  

    While police profiling is the practical application of what is, a conditioning of repetitive exposures and experience, certain politicians around the world seem to think of their countries as the welcoming Church without embracing or endorsing the churches themselves.  It is our duty to oppose all tyranny and thwart any and all plots to overthrow or replace us in an apocalyptic future.  Keeping the faith should be a Canadian counterplot.  For many people, fear of the unknown is becoming rage against what is become known about certain cultures.  Let us not allow the deceivers to destroy our culture with slanderous subterfuge any longer.

     Homework is good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Fantasmic single release

    Cosmic and fantasy (I hope).  Good clean fun for the family in this quick draw single released today for the listening pleasure of all, if that is your cup of tea.

music stores

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Ravenous album release

    Nostalgia.  Already?  With the purchase of Daft Punk's 'Homework' album at a CD+ store in the local mall, I was given a flyer to a party that was happening at a night club named Crabby Mike's.  This was the first of several experiences with the disco revival that happened back in the early 2000s.  Rave parties minus any drugs were a positive experience for me as the volume of the music drown out all schizophrenia distractions.  

    The Ravenous album composed here defines not only the pun of being at a rave.  Upon doing some homework of my own, the meaning today refers to mainly that of being hungry or starved, as in a ravenous appetite.  Further back in time, ravenous meant someone greedy for unjust gain or riches, such as a pirate.  Might not be too far off in our time as well.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Chosen Season 4


The beginning of the end of the beginning.  

Season 4 of The Chosen debuted in theatres and is now streaming on The Chosen app.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Mastering one's body

    The apostle Paul (Saul) did not share in the loving fellowship of Christ Jesus as He walked the earth, and though the apostle Peter described Paul's teachings as essentially confusing, his letters seem to flow with the narrative of God's direction.  It is much easier and more Christ like to focus on the teachings of the apostles that did share in Christ's fellowship.  Firsthand experience with the shunning practices of the Watchtower society and similar movements, combined with the collective outcries of others fated with such cruelty, are examples of the twisting of the scriptures warned about in Peter's epistle.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Thanks for the memory, of candle light and crime


    After scouring the internet for photos of the old newspaper building, I’ve determined that this building must have been deemed sacred as there were none to be found.  Having worked in and for this building during many of my teenager years, the description no longer exists.  Such is the plight of so many a stolen job or opportunity lost to the invasions of technology and immigration.  Hope I don’t get in trouble for this one...

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

West Edmonton Mall hack

     Hacking the West Edmonton Mall (spend little to no money) while wearing our media invisibility cloaks (Medium Photographics sweat jackets).

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Select Ambient Works 2007-11 album release


    An album created in the early stages of learning the music program involved in all the music released to date.  Polaroid meets iMac in this short but sweet album of ambient nicety.  

Saturday, January 13, 2024

School art @ Alberta Deep Freeze


    The appreciation behind school art shows is in that there is not too much importance placed on the artwork (idolatry) and the nostalgia for high school art classes.  During an arctic front deep freeze, we decided to visit the Interpretive Centre of Police Point Park in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.  Find the beauty in every season.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Come on Pederal Governments

the "radical right wing extremists" also known as Christians.

Monday, January 1, 2024

House Arrest album release


    Open to a large variety of musical genres, one of the few that manage to irk this artist is the common house beat.  Nevertheless, here is an album that embraces it to a degree, featuring recently composed tunes along with tunes made in times past, near and far.  'Afx Systems', a moniker to the Aphex Systems line of electronic sound enhancer components, was composed in the latter part of the 2000s.  'House Arrest' and 'Drive Thru', much like COVID, are recent arrivals with the 15 minute conclusion 'Halo (slowrider)' being made in 2021 and recently finished for release.