Sunday, May 21, 2023

Arsonists in the mist


    Smoke from the wildfires in Alberta appears to cause mountains more pollution than automobile exhaust.  The normally lush forest of the Cypress Hills is enshrouded by it in this short video from a spring 2023 road trip.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Go to Town (seasons)


Go to Town (seasons) - a collection of images available as digital downloads and prints.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Monday, May 1, 2023

e-Concerto album release

    An album you will love to hate or hate to love, e-Concerto begins with an experimental recording plunked out on a keyboard gifted from family.  With no music lessons to date, the inherent intro 'Wing It' was drawn purely from inspiration from the afterworld.  The remainder of the album reaches a crescendo of electronic music with 'the Warped Mind'.  The conclusion 'Robot Prayer' speaks to how artificial intelligence (AI) is a reflection of it's influencers.

available on the following platforms: